Balancing Peace of Mind
How Psych-K® Can Work for You!
Today is the day that you decide to change the rest of your life!
95% of a person’s behavior is controlled by their subconscious mind…
Have you ever found yourself driving down the road and you look up and wonder where the last several miles went? Who was driving?
Our subconscious takes the wheel with habits and routine. 95% of all thought, emotion and learning occur in the subconscious mind – that is, without our conscious awareness. We have learned how to tap into this to change those old habits that are no longer helping you.
Would you like to be more productive? Stop repeating the same mistakes in your personal or professional life? Be able to speak with ease at your next presentation? or does cold calling give you the chills?
If you answered yes to any of these, than you are a victim of your outdated beliefs. PSYCH-K® is a proven method to help you re-program your outdated beliefs to allow you to move forward and create the life you were meant to live!
Located in sunny Tampa Florida, I serve the greater Tampa Bay region and remotely through out the U.S. and internationally.

PSYCH-K® is:
- A simple, yet powerful process to change subconscious beliefs that are self-limiting and self-sabotaging
- A unique blend of various tools for change, some contemporary and some ancient, derived from contemporary neuroscience research, as well as ancient mind/body wisdom
- Facilitates change at the subconscious level where at least 95% of our consciousness operates.
- A process that transcends the standard methods of visualization, affirmations, will power, and positive thinking -Rob Williams

Feeling Like You Can't Say No?
You’re stressed out. You don’t have enough time for yourself because you’re always helping others. You don’t want to feel left out, or that you’re not a good friend because you can’t say “No” and you need the courage to set healthy boundaries with your loved ones.
Your work is suffering, you don’t feel well, you’re making poor decisions and you’re not eating right.
Let’s increase your confidence and your ability to prioritize your needs so that you can create a balanced life full of the right relationships, career success, abundant energy and health.
Have you looked in the mirror and felt like you are just feeling “off” today, or this week, or this month? You feel like you are “never enough” at work, with your significant other or your kids? You doubt your abilities to be good any any of these areas of your life. You look up at the 10 post-it notes on your mirror and realize, this just isn’t working for me.
Thats because affirmations work at a conscious level, not a subconscious level. Let me help you get out of that funk and allow us to make lasting changes at your subconscious level instead.
Sales Success
You feel like you’re going nowhere in your sales job. And as a sales professional you know the income potential that exists if you could just improve your performance. Unfortunately, you haven’t been able to tap into it yet.
You may even be on the verge of losing your job if you don’t pick up the stats and make more calls. If you could just overcome your fear of cold-calling and client outreach, you’d be able to increase your productivity, make the income and get the accolades you know you deserve.
Let’s reprogram your beliefs so that selling becomes easy and natural to you. You’re only a few outdated beliefs away from the sales career you’ve been dreaming about.
Giving a presentation feels incredibly intimidating and you wish you had the confidence to stand in front of a room and own it.
You know that speaking in public could help you skyrocket your sales and visibility. But you have no idea how to feel confident and present yourself as a knowledgeable professional.
Let’s overcome your fear and anxiety so that you can speak confidently in front of a room of 10 to 10,000 people. Let’s create new beliefs that help you radiate your amazing energy onstage and become a magnetic speaker.
- Personal Relationships
- Fears and Phobias
- Procrastination
- Public Speaking
- Self Confidence
- Anxiety/Stress/Depression
- Job/School-Test/Sports Performance
- Insomnia
- Obsessions/Compulsions
- Grief and Loss
- Anger Management
- Smoking/Drinking Cesation
- Self Confidence
- Goal Blockages
- and so much more….
Fear, Phobia and Grief
Psychologists often make a distinction between fears and phobias. A fear is an emotional response to a real or perceived threat. A phobia is similar to a fear with one key difference: the anxiety you experience is so strong that it interferes with their quality of life and/or your ability to function.
PSYCH-K® reduces stress and releases trauma by helping discover the messages and beliefs behind fears and phobias such as, fear of flying or speaking in front of groups, un-natural fears of every day insects, people and animals etc.
Living with the pain of grief and loss can be debilitating at times. There is no need to continue to suffer. Let go of the anger, forgive and become at peace with the loss of your loved one regardless if it is a death, the death of a relationship or a relationship that is causing you pain. This emotion no longer serves you. It is time to move forward.