About LeAnna

How many red flags does it take for you to figure out that something isn’t working any longer, or that what you’re doing is the wrong thing for you, yet you keep ignoring it? That was me…

Until recently, I felt I was destined to be chained to a desk working 9-5 in sales jobs that were “safe and secure” and had nice benefits but after becoming disillusioned, increasingly unhappy and losing job after job, it finally hit me in the face. “I’m not supposed to be doing this!”

I finally realized that I’m meant to help people and offer my skills in a different way.

That’s when I found PSYCH-K®.

My degree in Psychology, and Human Resources has helped me to be able get in touch with what is at the core of my client’s issues. I am your supportive guide, a nurturer by nature. I have always loved being able to listen and help people with large and small decisions, or to just be a sounding board.

I get excited when I’m able to help facilitate a breakthrough and help to make change happen for my clients.


PSYCH-K®…what’s in a name?
That was the question I asked the woman who introduced me to this amazing process. I had no idea what it was, but after a morning coffee explanation I was fascinated and I had to try it.

After my first session, lots of research and many questions later I took my first class and I couldn’t wait to take the second of many. I had finally found my calling in life.

I’m here to help you reprogram the negative self-talk, the habits that no longer serve you and any issues you feel are holding you back from being the best version of you.

Let’s create a life that feels aligned and fun.